The First Thing Junior Developers Need to Know: Are We Hired to Write Software?
So, you’ve decided to become a software developer. That’s awesome news! You might think that software developers spend all day on new projects, just writing code in an IDE.
But here’s the truth: you’re hired to solve customer problems.
Not every problem needs software. Writing and maintaining software is expensive. Like any professional, software developers need to be responsible and use the company’s resources wisely.
Now, you should be able to answer the big question: “Are we hired to write software?” You should be able to not only answer it but also explain why we’re not hired just to write software. We’re hired to solve customer problems, and sometimes that means not using software at all. Great developers challenge requirements and propose cost-effective solutions.
Understanding the business domain is key to solving customer problems effectively, but that’s a topic for another post.
Would you like to know how to become a great Junior Software developer?
You can find my book “The Junior Software Developer Dream” on Amazon.
Whether you’re changing careers, learning to code on your own, or just starting after completing a technology degree, this book is for you. It’s also perfect for current Junior Developers early in their careers. This book bridges the gap between education and work expectations and explains the behaviours needed for a successful career in tech
Here’s the Amazon link:
The book cover was designed with ❤️ by my partner Larissa S, inspired by the most beautiful sunrise and sunset in Gold Coast, Australia.